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Books: There are many books on PECB ISO IEC 27001 Lead Implementer certification exam, and it is important that you choose a good book that suits your prep style. It will also help you to understand how to solve the problem.
Mock and Practice tests: It is advisable to take mock tests regularly. ISO IEC 27001 Lead Implementer exam dumps will allow you to practice different query types and get familiar with the exam pattern. Practice tests are available in different packages at most coaching centers. These tests will allow you to spot-check questions & answers and get yourself ready well for the exam.
Video tutorials: There are many video tutorials on PECB ISO IEC 27001 Lead Implementer certification exam. These videos will allow you to exercise different question types, get familiar with the exam pattern, and prepare yourself well for the exam.
Coaching: A good coach will provide you with proper guidance and support during the entire preparation process. It will allow you to understand the concepts better and get yourself ready effectively for the PECB ISO IEC 27001 Lead Implementer examination.
Study guides: It is advisable to refer to the study guides for PECB ISO IEC 27001 Lead Implementer certification exam as it will allow you to understand the concepts well. It will also help you to remember the topics better during the exam.
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Scenario 5: Operaze is a small software development company that develops applications for various companies around the world. Recently, the company conducted a risk assessment to assess the information security risks that could arise from operating in a digital landscape. Using different testing methods, including penetration Resting and code review, the company identified some issues in its ICT systems, including improper user permissions, misconfigured security settings, and insecure network configurations. To resolve these issues and enhance information security, Operaze decided to implement an information security management system (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001.
Considering that Operaze is a small company, the entire IT team was involved in the ISMS implementation project. Initially, the company analyzed the business requirements and the internal and external environment, identified its key processes and activities, and identified and analyzed the interested parties In addition, the top management of Operaze decided to Include most of the company's departments within the ISMS scope. The defined scope included the organizational and physical boundaries. The IT team drafted an information security policy and communicated it to all relevant interested parties In addition, other specific policies were developed to elaborate on security issues and the roles and responsibilities were assigned to all interested parties.
Following that, the HR manager claimed that the paperwork created by ISMS does not justify its value and the implementation of the ISMS should be canceled However, the top management determined that this claim was invalid and organized an awareness session to explain the benefits of the ISMS to all interested parties.
Operaze decided to migrate Its physical servers to their virtual servers on third-party infrastructure. The new cloud computing solution brought additional changes to the company Operaze's top management, on the other hand, aimed to not only implement an effective ISMS but also ensure the smooth running of the ISMS operations. In this situation, Operaze's top management concluded that the services of external experts were required to implement their information security strategies. The IT team, on the other hand, decided to initiate a change in the ISMS scope and implemented the required modifications to the processes of the company.
What is the next step that Operaze's ISMS implementation team should take after drafting the information security policy? Refer to scenario 5.
Answer: C
According to ISO/IEC 27001 : 2022 Lead Implementer, the information security policy is a high-level document that defines the organization's objectives, principles, and commitments regarding information security. The policy should be aligned with the organization's strategic direction and context, and should provide a framework for setting information security objectives and establishing the ISMS. The policy should also be approved by top management, who are ultimately responsible for the ISMS and its performance.
Therefore, after drafting the information security policy, the next step that Operaze's ISMS implementation team should take is to obtain top management's approval for the policy. This will ensure that the policy is consistent with the organization's vision and values, and that it has the necessary support and resources for its implementation and maintenance.
ISO/IEC 27001 : 2022 Lead Implementer Study guide and documents, section 5.2 Policy ISO/IEC 27001 : 2022 Lead Implementer Info Kit, page 12, Information security policy
Scenario 9: OpenTech provides IT and communications services. It helps data communication enterprises and network operators become multi-service providers During an internal audit, its internal auditor, Tim, has identified nonconformities related to the monitoring procedures He identified and evaluated several system Invulnerabilities.
Tim found out that user IDs for systems and services that process sensitive information have been reused and the access control policy has not been followed After analyzing the root causes of this nonconformity, the ISMS project manager developed a list of possible actions to resolve the nonconformity. Then, the ISMS project manager analyzed the list and selected the activities that would allow the elimination of the root cause and the prevention of a similar situation in the future. These activities were included in an action plan The action plan, approved by the top management, was written as follows:
A new version of the access control policy will be established and new restrictions will be created to ensure that network access is effectively managed and monitored by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department The approved action plan was implemented and all actions described in the plan were documented.
Based on this scenario, answer the following question:
OpenTech has decided to establish a new version of its access control policy. What should the company do when such changes occur?
Answer: A
According to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, clause 6.2, the organization shall establish information security objectives at relevant functions and levels. The information security objectives shall be consistent with the information security policy and relevant to the information security risks. The organization shall update the information security objectives as changes occur. Therefore, when OpenTech decides to establish a new version of its access control policy, it should update its information security objectives accordingly to reflect the changes and ensure alignment with the policy.
Which of the following represents an example of The Open Security Architecture (TOGAF) framework?
Answer: C
What should an organization demonstrate through documentation?
Answer: B
Scenario 4: TradeB is a newly established commercial bank located in Europe, with a diverse clientele. It provides services that encompass retail banking, corporate banking, wealth management, and digital banking, all tailored to meet the evolving financial needs of individuals and businesses in the region. Recognizing the critical importance of information security in the modern banking landscape, TradeB has initiated the implementation of an information security management system (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001. To ensure the successful implementation of the ISMS, the top management decided to contract two experts to lead and oversee the ISMS implementation project.
As a primary strategy for implementing the ISMS, the experts chose an approach that emphasizes a swift implementation of the ISMS by initially meeting the minimum requirements of ISO/IEC 27001, followed by continual improvement over time. Additionally, under the guidance of the experts, TradeB opted for a methodological framework, which serves as a structured framework and a guideline that outlines the high-level stages of the ISMS implementation, the associated activities, and the deliverables without incorporating any specific tools.
The experts analyzed the ISO/IEC 27001 controls and listed only the security controls deemed applicable to the company and its objectives. Based on this analysis, they drafted the Statement of Applicability. Afterward, they conducted a risk assessment, during which they identified assets, such as hardware, software, and networks, as well as threats and vulnerabilities, assessed potential consequences and likelihood, and determined the level of risks based on a methodical approach that involved defining and characterizing the terms and criteria used in the assessment process, categorizing them into non-numerical levels (e.g., very low, low, moderate, high, very high). Explanatory notes were thoughtfully crafted to justify assessed values, with the primary goal of enhancing repeatability and reproducibility.
Then, they evaluated the risks based on the risk evaluation criteria, where they decided to treat only the risks of the high-risk category. Additionally, they focused primarily on the unauthorized use of administrator rights and system interruptions due to several hardware failures. To address these issues, they established a new version of the access control policy, implemented controls to manage and control user access, and introduced a control for ICT readiness to ensure business continuity.
Their risk assessment report indicated that if the implemented security controls reduce the risk levels to an acceptable threshold, those risks will be accepted.
Based on the scenario above, answer the following question:
Which risk analysis technique did the experts use to determine the level of risk? Refer to scenario 4.
Answer: A
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